A documentary is a real-life story, either told by the main character or captured as the events unfold. A documentary tells a non-fictional, factual story and provides a great way to create a very intimate and personal experience for the viewer. In a documentary a bigger picture is usually illustrated by a smaller anecdotal story. Thus, conveying authentic, relatable meaning and human emotion. Apart from being fact-based, a documentary is a relatively unrestricted format, allowing multiple forms of media and specifically longer lengths. A documentary can consist of interviews, but also usually relies heavily on story within the b-roll, in which case the crew is often a ‘fly on the wall’ as events unfolds. A documentary format is great for telling a story in a very nuanced and balanced way, and giving the viewer a meaningful, true to life, emotional experience. A documentary will draw the viewer in and commend its focus for a longer period of time, allowing the sender to tell a rich and detailed story.