This is one of a series of three films we produced for LeasePlan’s Annual Report 2021. In these films, LeasePlan elaborates on trending topics like ESG, Digital Transformation and the Semiconductor Shortage from both an external and an internal point of view. We deliberately centralized the interviewees and the settings they were in, keeping focus on the message of the films while being able to control aesthetics to a maximum.
Concept: 1Camera
Klant: LeasePlan
Research & regie: Veerle Denissen
DOP: Pieter Colombijn
Producer: Roos Aalvanger
AC / 2nd Camera: Jan Koks
AC 2: Damon Kruizenga
3rd Camera: David James
BTS Camjo: Ward Brandsma
BTS PA: Nuriye Snijdewind
Gaffer: Michiel Kingma
Editor: Bart Hagel
Colour grading: Peter Oosterhuis