Boosting the Distribution of Your Video



As a skilled communicator, you recognize the tremendous impact that videos can have in conveying your company’s message and captivating your target audience. After investing your valuable time, effort, and resources into crafting the perfect corporate film, the next critical step is to ensure that your video not only reaches but also resonates with the right audience, while achieving the specific key performance indicators (KPIs) you’ve set for yourself. These may include reaching a desired number of views or impressions, driving engagement, increasing brand awareness, or enhancing brand reputation.

In this piece, we will guide you through a collection of effective video distribution strategies that will enable you to maximize the return on your video investment. If your video has already been released but is not generating the desired outcomes, fear not! We are here to inspire you with five hands-on tips that will supercharge your distribution efforts and propel your video to new heights.




Before we dive into the actionable tips, let’s lay the foundation by exploring the diverse range of video distribution systems at your disposal for video distribution. These channels offer distinctive opportunities to connect with your target audience and achieve your communication objectives. Let’s delve into some of the most powerful and impactful channels and uncover how they can effectively serve your unique goals.

CORPORATE WEBSITE: As the digital heart of your online presence, your corporate website takes center stage as an ideal platform for video distribution. Strategically embed your captivating corporate video in prominent spaces such as the homepage, blog, or even the help center. This strategic placement allows visitors to delve deep into the essence of your company, unraveling its core values and purpose.

YOUTUBE: Positioned as the second largest search engine globally, this video distribution amplifier offers an expansive audience and immense reach. By creating a branded YouTube channel, you can seamlessly share your videos, build a loyal subscriber base, and optimize your content to appear in relevant search results. Drive traffic back to your website by incorporating clear calls to action within your videos or their descriptions.

LINKEDIN: Particularly for B2B companies, LinkedIn serves as a powerful platform for showcasing your videos. Utilize this professional network to establish thought leadership, share recruitment video’s and demonstrate your purpose or strategy. Leverage LinkedIn’s robust features to engage with professionals in your field and elevate your brand’s authority.

SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS: Engage with a broader audience by leveraging video distribution platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Adapt your videos to fit the unique formats and characteristics of each platform, ensuring maximum impact and resonance. Harness the power of trending hashtags, user-generated content, and interactive features to foster meaningful connections with your target audience.

TELEVISION: While digital channels dominate the landscape of video distribution, traditional television should not be overlooked for certain types of corporate films. Consider television advertising to reach a wider audience, particularly if your target demographic aligns with specific TV viewership patterns. The timeless appeal of television can still deliver significant results.

INTRANET: If your videos are primarily intended for internal communication, your company’s intranet becomes an invaluable tool for sharing important updates, training materials, or internal communications. Capitalize on this internal platform to ensure that your videos are easily accessible to employees across different departments.

PRESENTATIONS, EVENTS, AND CONFERENCES: Take advantage of live events to showcase your videos. Include them in presentations, exhibitions, or trade shows to engage with a targeted audience in real time.

EMAIL MARKETING: Harness the power of your email subscriber list by incorporating videos into your email campaigns. Instead of merely embedding a video, entice recipients with an intriguing thumbnail that links to your website or a landing page. Nurture leads by leveraging video content throughout the customer journey.





While we also incorporated this in creating the corporate storytelling video, it is good to think about it again before distributing the film. You need to keep in mind which purpose the film should serve to benefit your business. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, creating a certain company pride, touching your audience in the heart, driving website traffic, or educating your audience, having a clear primary goal in mind will guide your distribution strategy.



Once you have defined your video’s primary goal, you can align your video marketing strategy accordingly. For example, if your objective is to increase brand awareness, social media channels should be a top priority. If it is to communicate your new strategy internally, then intranet or internal newsletters and presentations will do best.

Understanding your primary goal will help you determine which distribution channels will best support that objective. As a result, you can ensure that your videos are distributed effectively to the right audience, increasing the chances of success.

Additionally, note that focusing solely on achieving the highest number of views shouldn’t always be the primary objective. Instead, prioritize reaching a quality and relevant audience that also want to engage with you, as this can be more valuable than simply aiming for quantity.




Once your video is released, it’s important to assess the results. In certain cases, a newly created corporate video is primarily meant for internal communication, which simplifies the task of reaching your target audience.

Channels like the company intranet, internal presentations, and internal newsletters prove effective in engaging employees and effectively conveying essential messages.

However, when it comes to an external corporate film, distributing it becomes more challenging. It’s not unusual to encounter situations where your initial efforts to distribute an external corporate video don’t produce the desired results. While this may be disheartening, it’s crucial to remain undeterred and view it as an opportunity for growth and improvement.

Here are five practical tips to enhance your video distribution and achieve better outcomes:

1. Repurpose your content

Extend the lifespan and reach of your video by repurposing it into different formats and distributing it across various channels. Convert it into shorter clips, create teaser trailers, or extract key insights to share as blog posts or social media updates. This allows you to reach different audiences and maximize the visibility of your video content.

For instance, if you have a purpose or strategy video, you can create short teaser clips for social media to drive interest and build hype. This is ideal for longer pieces of video content that cover a number of different topics that can potentially capture a viewer’s attention.

2. Encourage employee advocacy

Mobilize your employees to actively share and promote the video within their networks. Provide them with pre-written text or social media templates to make it easy for them to share the content with their connections. Employee advocacy can significantly expand your video’s reach, tapping into their personal networks and increasing the likelihood of engagement.

3. Balance your channels

It’s important not to rely solely on one platform. Putting all your eggs in one basket can limit your reach and potential audience engagement.

To create a well-rounded online video distribution strategy, aim to select five to six different distribution channels to host your videos. This approach allows you to diversify your reach and accomplish your primary goal while also targeting additional objectives that contribute to your overall strategy in the long run.

Keep a close eye on the performance of each video distributing system and analyze the traction you’re gaining. If you find that a particular channel is not yielding the desired results or engagement, consider adjusting your strategy and possibly removing that channel from your current and future distribution efforts. Flexibility and adaptability are key in optimizing your distribution strategy for maximum impact.

4. Leverage email marketing

Incorporate your video into your email marketing campaigns to increase engagement and click-through rates. Embed the video directly in your email or include a compelling thumbnail with a clear call-to-action that leads recipients to a landing page or your website. Personalize the email content and segment your audience to ensure relevancy and enhance the chances of video interaction.

5. Optimize for search engines (SEO)

Improve the discoverability of your video by optimizing it for search engines. Conduct keyword research related to your video’s topic and include relevant keywords in the title, description, and tags. Transcribe the video’s content and include it as captions or a text transcript, making it more accessible and indexable by search engines.

Promote the video through your website and optimize the video’s landing page for SEO to drive organic traffic.




When it comes to communication purposes for your business, corporate videos play a crucial role. They serve multiple purposes, including reaching a desired number of views or impressions, driving engagement, increasing brand awareness, and enhancing brand reputation. However, to achieve success with corporate videos, a well-executed distribution strategy is essential. The above mentioned tips can assist you in reaching your target audience effectively while ensuring success.

If you need help creating a killer corporate video, contact us today.

Behind the scenes - corporate video van Hell

How can we help you? 

Alyssa Hendriks

Head of production